Design Ideas: How To Build a Wooden Valance Mar 09, 2016 By  Fenesta

Out of the very large number of DIY home decor projects that one might decide to undertake, building a wooden valance for your living room or bedroom is going to be one of medium difficulty. In fact it is one of the easier ones to fathom and get done. In today's times, it is easy enough to find instructions and references, whether one is looking for designs for wooden doors, wanting to set up a green window or building a small piece of furniture from scratch. Here are some simple steps that can be followed in order to complete a wooden valance project: The first thing you'll need is a long piece of MDF wood that has been pre-primed. It is important to know that exact measurements of the window so that you know what size you need the board cut into. You might want to also buy a trim to go against the borders if you want to add some design value but this is a matter of choice. Now, depending on how much depth you want to give the valance measure and attach two sideboards to the sides with the help of L brackets.

If you want to go ahead and create a green window by hanging plants from the between the gap of the valance and the window, measure and attach the sideboards accordingly. Finally fill in any gaps by adding wood putty and once it dries out sand the whole thing before adding a final layer of fresh paint. This taken care off, attach some L brackets to the wall over the window and affix the completed valance on to them. It is a good idea to search any DIY magazine or interior design magazine offering ideas about designs of wooden doors or windows for picture references on how to go about the project. In saying so, these tips above can serve as good baseline guidance for creating a basic valance of your choice. Want a valance to spice up your window? Put your DIY hat on start on the project today itself!


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