5 Simple Green Modifications for Your Home
May 07, 2015 By  Fenesta
Every home is an expression of its inhabitants. In addition to the safety and comfort that a home provides, several homeowners aspire for an eco-friendly dwelling space. While some homes are constructed based on the green model, existing homes can also be modified to make them energy efficient and sustainable.
Create a Green Ecosystem
Here are five green modifications that can put your home on the green path:
Conserve Water, Consider Rainwater Harvesting Rainwater harvesting is a great way to save and store water, especially if your house is in an area that receives ample rainfall. A catchment area can be created to collect the rainwater that falls on the rooftop. Harvested rainwater can be used to water your garden, in flush tanks and for other external use.
Alternatively, you can also use rainwater to replenish your groundwater sources such as wells, tube wells, etc.
Optimize Solar Energy Solar energy is available in abundance, is pollution-free and causes no environmental effects. Technological improvements have made it possible to extract this energy for heating water, recharging batteries, cooking, indoor and outdoor lighting and more.
The long lifespan of solar panels, saving on electricity bills, etc. set off the initial installation cost that may be high (approx. Rs. 1 Lakh for 1 Kw solar panel).
Utilize Solar Energy
Use Recycled Tiles If you are replacing the tiles in your home, you can opt for recycled-content tile. Apart from floors, recycled tiles can be used on counter tops and walls.
Made from recycled items such as glass or other materials from mines or factories, these tiles are scratch and fire-resistant. This makes them highly durable compared to other tiles, saving frequent replacement costs. In addition, recycled tiles are easy to clean and do not absorb fluids.
Install environmental-friendly HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning) system Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment is designed to provide a relatively constant and comfortable temperature in the home. The new HVAC systems are far more energy-efficient and utilise smart technology for a contributing step towards green ecology. In addition to providing the optimum temperature in your home, it ensures maintenance of good quality air.
Check the Insulation Some houses, especially those that are more than 20 years old, usually do not have space for insulation outside the walls. This results in the walls transmitting the temperature from outside into the house. To maintain a balance in temperature inside, it is important to weatherproof the walls.
Weatherproof your Home
You can also observe if the temperature difference is due to faulty or cracked windows and doors. Ensuring high-quality insulation can lower the electricity units consumed by the air-conditioner in your home. It also prevents any seepage of rainwater. If you are looking to replace the windows of your house, uPVC windows are a good choice. Comprising heat and UV ray stabilizer additives, they offer excellent insulation to your rooms.
In addition to making your home a step closer to nature, all the above tips help to lower your energy expenses at home. Also, in the current phase when environmental issues like global warming, pollution and deforestation are affecting the ecological balance, the conscious choice of every individual makes a significant positive impact on the fast-depleting natural resources of the world.